How to Start Organic Farming?

Organic farming is a way of growing food and raising animals that uses nature’s own methods and stuff. It focuses on using natural plant food, changing crops, and controlling pests naturally to keep the soil good and everything in balance. By not using fake bug killers and changed plants, organic farming tries to be gentle on the environment and keep farming going for a long time.

One main principle of organic farming is to make sure the soil is healthy and there are lots of different plants and animals. This means doing things like making compost, planting crops to protect the soil, and not using chemicals to feed plants or kill pests. Organic farmers also try to take good care of animals and not harm the planet. More people want to buy organic stuff, so more farmers are using organic ways to grow food. We’ll look at the good things and the hard things about organic farming, and how it affects nature and our health.
How to Start Organic Farming?

What is Organic Farming?

Organic farming is a way of growing food that uses natural ways to keep pests away and make the soil rich with animal and plant leftovers and plants that help the soil. It is different from the usual way of growing food, which uses fake stuff, old stuff that is not good for the soil, and bad stuff that can hurt the plants, animals, and people. Organic farming is good for the environment, because it stops the soil from washing away, keeps the water clean, and uses the animal poop to help the farm.

It is also good for the people who eat and grow the food, because it does not have any bad stuff that can make them sick and it helps many kinds of living things. Organic farming is a way of growing food that cares about the land and the life on it, and tries to make good food without hurting the future of the world.

Why Choose Organic Farming?

There are many reasons to choose organic farming, such as:

Why Choose Organic Farming?
Photo by Mark Stebnicki

  • Healthy food: Organic farming avoids the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). As a result, organic produce is generally considered healthier, with fewer chemical residues.
  • Environmental benefits: Organic farming helps many kinds of living things, stops the soil from washing away, and keeps the water clean, making it better for the environment.
  • Soil health: Organic farming cares about making and keeping the soil good with natural ways, like using plant and animal leftovers and changing the plants. Good soil makes the crops better for you.
  • Sustainability: This way of growing food is good for the future, because it uses less stuff that can run out and saves power.
  • Better for Wildlife: Organic farming helps many kinds of living things by using nature’s ways and not using much fake stuff. Organic farmers care about how animals feel and do not use medicine or extra things that animals do not need.
  • Better for People: Organic farming makes food more nutritious by growing crops in soils that are alive and good for them. Organic food helps people stay healthy by not using bad chemicals and letting nature do its work.

What are the Types of Organic Farming?

There are mainly two types of organic farming: pure organic farming and integrated organic farming. These farming methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Some farmers choose to use a purified farming process, whereas some opt for an integrated farming method.

Pure Organic Farming 

Pure organic farming is a type of organic farming that avoids all unnatural chemicals such as synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). It relies on natural sources such as bone meal or blood meal for fertilization and pest control. 

Some of the advantages and disadvantages of pure organic farming are:


  • Environment-friendly as it reduces soil erosion, decreases nitrate leaching into groundwater and surface water, and recycles animal wastes back into the farm.
  • Healthy and tasty food as it avoids the exposure to harmful chemicals and promotes biodiversity.
  • Inexpensive process as it does not require expensive fertilizers, pesticides, or high-yielding varieties of seeds.


  • Higher food costs for consumers and generally lower yields compared to conventional agriculture.
  • Limited production of off-season crops and has fewer options in organic farming.
  • Shorter shelf life of organic products as they have more flaws than chemical products.

Integrated Organic Farming 

Integrated organic farming is a type of organic farming that combines multiple agricultural components such as crop production, animal husbandry, agroforestry, and soil management. It is a farming system that aims to develop a self-sustaining, environmentally sustainable, and commercially viable farming system. 

Some of the advantages and disadvantages of integrated organic farming are:


  • Boosts food security by increasing food production and diversifying income sources.
  • Cuts farming costs by using animal waste and plants as organic manure and reducing the need for external inputs.
  • Increases export revenue by producing high-quality cash crops that meet the demand of the international market.
  • Improves soil fertility by using natural methods of soil enhancement and avoiding synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
  • Enhances people's health by producing organic food that is free from harmful chemicals and residues. 


  • Requires more knowledge and skills to manage the complex interactions among different components and optimize the use of resources.
  • Lower yields than conventional agriculture due to the limited use of high-yielding varieties and chemical inputs.
  • Faces market challenges such as lack of certification, standardization, and consumer awareness of organic products.
  • Higher labor demand to perform various tasks such as composting, weeding, pruning, and harvesting.
  • Longer conversion period to switch from conventional to organic farming, which may affect the income and productivity of the farmers. 
What are the Principles of Organic Farming?
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko

What are the Principles of Organic Farming?

Organic farming is based on four principles that guide its practices and goals. These principles are:

  • Health: Organic farming should sustain and enhance the health of soil, plant, animal, human and planet as one and indivisible. This means that organic farming avoids the use of synthetic chemicals, such as fertilizers, pesticides, and antibiotics, that may have negative effects on the health of living organisms and the environment. Instead, organic farming uses organic matter, such as manure, compost, and green manure, to nourish the soil and crops. and makes the plant healthy. Organic farming also produces nutritious food that contributes to the well-being of consumers and farmers. 
  • Ecology: Organic farming should work with nature’s own systems and patterns, emulate them, and help sustain them. This means that organic farming respects the natural balance and diversity of nature and adapts to the local conditions and climate. Organic farming uses crop rotations, intercropping, and cover crops to maintain soil fertility and prevent pests and diseases. Organic farming also conserves natural resources, such as water, energy, and biodiversity, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions and pollution.
  • Fairness: Organic farming must be built on relationships that care about our shared environment and opportunities for a better life. This means that organic farming promotes social justice and equity among all stakeholders involved in the organic sector, such as producers, processors, traders, and consumers. Organic farming also respects the rights and welfare of animals and ensures fair prices and wages for farmers and workers. Organic farming also supports local and rural development and empowers marginalized and vulnerable groups. 
  • Care: Organic farming should be done carefully and responsibly to look after the health of people now and in the future, as well as the world around us. This means that organic farming applies the precautionary principle and avoids any practices that may pose a risk or uncertainty to the environment or human health. Organic farming also strives for continuous improvement and innovation and seeks to learn from traditional and indigenous knowledge. Organic farming also educates and raises awareness among consumers and the public about the benefits of organic agriculture.

How can I get started in organic agriculture?

Starting an organic farm is a rewarding venture that aligns with sustainable agricultural practices. 

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you begin:
  • Learn About Organic Farming: To start organic farming, it's important to learn about how it works. This means knowing how to take care of the soil, how to make compost, how to deal with pests naturally, and how to plant different crops in turns.
  • Get Organic Certification: That’s right. If you want to sell your food as organic, you need to get certified. This means you have to follow certain rules and let a special group check your farm to make sure everything is done the organic way.
  • Select a Suitable Site: Absolutely, the location is key for a successful farm. You should think about the soil quality, water availability, and the climate of the area when picking a place for your farm. Good soil will help your crops grow, enough water is essential for farming, and the right climate will make sure your plants can thrive.
  • Prepare the Soil: Organic farming does depend a lot on having good soil. It’s a smart move to test the soil first to figure out what it lacks. Then, you can improve its health by adding organic materials like compost and plants that are used as natural fertilizers. This helps the soil become rich and full of nutrients, which is great for the crops.
  • Choose the Right Crops: Choosing the right crops for your area’s weather and soil is really important. When you grow different kinds of crops, it can help keep bugs away and make the soil healthier.
  • Manage Pests and Weeds Naturally: Organic farming uses nature-friendly ways to deal with pests and weeds. This includes bringing in insects that eat pests, using herbicides made from natural ingredients, or pulling out weeds by hand. It’s all about working with nature rather than against it.
  • Market Your Produce: Creating a marketing plan for your organic products is a great idea. You could sell them directly to people at local farmers’ markets, become part of a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) group, or provide your products to nearby restaurants and shops. Each option has its own benefits and can help you reach different types of customers.
  • Continuous Learning and Adaptation: It's important to keep learning about new ways to farm organically and what's happening in the market. You should be ready to change how you farm to make it last longer and work better.
Remember, transitioning to organic farming takes time and patience, but the benefits to health and the environment make it a worthwhile endeavor.

How to get Organic Farming certificate?

How to Get Certified for Organic Farming This is one way to show that your farm really follows the rules for organic farming. Here is a simple guide to explain how you can get this certificate:

  • Learn the Standards: Get to know the rules for organic farming where you live. These rules usually talk about how to keep soil and water safe, how to deal with pests, and how to use natural seeds and other materials for farming.
  • Choose a Certifying Agency: Search for an agency that has official permission from the government to check and approve organic farms. for example, In the United States, this would be an agency that the USDA National Organic Program says is okay to do this.
  • Submit an Application: Fill out the form the agency gives you. Write about how you farm and your plan for organic farming.
  • Inspection: An official from the agency will come to your farm to check if your farming methods meet the organic rules.
  • Certification: If your farm follows the rules, you'll get a paper that says your farm is organic. This paper is good for a certain time, and then you have to get it again.
  • Maintain Organic Practices: Keep using organic farming methods and make sure to record everything carefully to keep your organic farm status.

The way to get certified can be different based on where you are, so you should talk to the agency that does the certification to get the right details. For extra help, you can look at what farming experts and groups have to say. 

Remember, the certification process is designed to protect consumers and ensure that all organic products meet consistent and reliable standards.

What are the Challenges of Organic Farming?

What are the Challenges of Organic Farming?
Photo by Kindel Media

Organic farming also faces many challenges, such as:
  • Convincing the farmers: A lot of farmers don’t want to start organic farming because they’re worried they might make less money and grow less food. Organic farming needs more learning, skills, and work than regular farming. It also takes about two to three years to change over, and during this time, farmers must farm the organic way but can’t yet call their crops organic. Plus, organic farming relies on having access to natural things like seeds, animal waste, and natural plant food, which can be hard to find and cost a lot.
  • Managing the pests and weeds: Organic farming doesn’t allow fake bug and weed killers that are usually used in regular farming. So, organic farmers use different ways like changing crops around, growing different crops together, covering the ground with stuff, using natural enemies of pests, and pulling weeds by hand. But sometimes these ways don’t work that well, especially where there are a lot of pests and weeds. This can make organic crops not grow as much or as well, and it can make farming cost more.
  • Maintaining the soil fertility: Organic farming aims to improve the soil health and fertility by using organic matter, such as compost, manure, and green manures. However, organic matter alone may not provide enough nutrients for the crops, especially in soils that are poor or degraded. Organic farmers may need to supplement their soil with external sources of nutrients, such as rock phosphate, bone meal, or seaweed. However, these sources are not always available, affordable, or certified as organic.
  • Facing the market challenges: Organic farming has a growing demand in the domestic and international markets, as more consumers are aware of the health and environmental benefits of organic food. However, organic farming also faces many market challenges, such as lack of certification, standardization, and consumer awareness. Organic certification is a process that verifies that the products are produced according to the organic standards. However, certification is often costly, complex, and inaccessible for small and marginal farmers. Standardization is a process that ensures that the products are consistent in quality and quantity.

However, standardization is often difficult to achieve in organic farming, as it depends on many factors, such as climate, soil, and crop variety. Consumer awareness is a process that educates and informs the consumers about the benefits and characteristics of organic food. However, consumer awareness is often low or misleading, as there is a lack of reliable information and promotion of organic food.

These are some of the major challenges of organic farming that need to be addressed by the government, the private sector, the civil society, and the farmers themselves. Organic farming is a promising and rewarding way of farming that can contribute to the sustainable development of agriculture and society. However, organic farming also requires more support, research, and innovation to overcome its challenges and realize its full potential.

What are some examples of organic farming?

Some examples of organic farming practices are:
  • Crop rotation (avoid mono-cropping that gradually results in soil degradation)
  • Use of green manure (planting and harvesting crops that enrich the soil with organic matter)
  • Use of manure and vegetable residues (compost)
  • The recycling of organic materials
  • Using nature's own helpers, such as good bugs that eat the bad and natural food for plants, instead of chemicals.
Organic farming is governed by regulations that are similar worldwide and formalized by large groups (such as the European Union) and many countries. These rules are largely based on what he calls the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOM), the main body for organic farming that started in 1972. Organic farming can help ensure there is enough food for everyone and help take care of the planet. By growing good-for-you food without using all natural ingredients.

What is the Future of organic farming?

Organic farming is a type of farming that uses Natural methods to grow crops and raise animals without harming the environment or human health. Organic farming has many benefits, such as reducing pollution, conserving resources, enhancing biodiversity, and producing nutritious food. However, organic farming also faces many challenges, such as convincing the farmers, managing the pests and weeds, maintaining the soil fertility, and facing the market challenges.

The future of organic farming is closely linked with advanced technology. Farmers are using things like very accurate farming methods, flying robots, and clever measuring devices to use resources better, keep an eye on how healthy their crops are, and make everything work more smoothly. Technology can also help organic farmers to access information, certification, and markets more easily and effectively.

The future of organic farming is shaped by how much people want it and know about it. More and more people are thinking about how their food affects their health and the planet, and they’re okay with paying more for organic stuff. Teaching people and spreading the word can also make more people trust and know about the good things of organic food.

The future of organic farming is also dependent on the policy and regulatory support from the government and other stakeholders. Policies and regulations can help to create a conducive environment for organic farming by providing incentives, subsidies, standards, and infrastructure. Policies and regulations can also help to protect the interests and rights of organic farmers and consumers by ensuring fair trade, quality control, and market access.

The future of organic farming is bright and promising, as it can contribute to the sustainable development of agriculture and society. However, the future of organic farming also requires more support, research, and innovation to overcome its challenges and realize its full potential.


Organic farming focuses on using natural methods to grow food and raise animals, promoting soil health, biodiversity and sustainability. It provides benefits such as healthy food, environmental protection and support for wildlife and people. The principles of organic farming emphasize health, ecology, fairness and care, which are practices that guide towards a better future. Starting an organic farm involves education, certification, site selection, land preparation, crop management, pest control, marketing and continuous learning. Getting certified for organic farming involves learning standards, choosing a certifying agency, submitting an application, inspection, certification and maintaining an organic practice. Challenges of organic farming include convincing farmers to switch due to concerns about income, productivity, learning curve and transition period.

Reference & Resources

(1) Organic farming - Wikipedia

(2) Organic Farming Types, Objectives and Advantages

(3,) Organic Farming: Methods and Types | Earth Reminder

(4) Organic farming | Definition, History, Methods, Practices, & Benefits

(5) 18+ Pros and Cons of Organic Farming | Environment Buddy

(6) Advantages and Disadvantages of Organic Farming - Earth Reminde

(7) Integrated Organic Farming: A Holistic Approach to Agriculture

(9) Four Principles of Organic Farming • OPTA Europe

(11) Addressing challenges and solutions in organic farming.

(12) Organic agriculture: opportunities and challenges

(13) Recent Reports Highlight Barriers and Opportunities for Organic Farming

(15) How To Start An Organic Farm? — Farm & Animals

(16) How To Start Organic Farming in India | Farm Consulting - KisaanMitrr

(17) How To Get Organic Farm Certificate In India | Agri Farming

(18) Organic farming: how to get certification and funding in Great Britain

(19) Organic Farming Definition and Examples - Wikifarmer

(20) Cultivating Tomorrow: A Vision for Organic Farming in 2024

(21) Is Organic Farming The Future Of Agriculture?

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